

what really happened in the town of centrailia?

August 13 1995

i was working on a news article with some colleagues. we were supposed to go to frezno for a new opening of some restaurant, but the boss ended up taking us to the town of centrailia

we were told somthing bad happened there...somthing about fire and gas burning underneath the town.
the moment we arrived a foul odor reached our noses it smelt of rotten eggs and burnt plastic.

we all turned around and saw that the boss had left with the buss. he shouted some words as he drove away
"Good Luck!!"

we looked around covered our noses with our shirts.
one of my colleagues then said.
"why is that man staring at us?"

I looked over and saw nothing...
"dude stop trying to scare us."
i looked over to both my colleagues
they started to argue weather or not the man was there.

I decided to keep walking and take a look around ...

...1 hour later.....

i hear my colleague screem and i ran to find him but he was gone ....
my other colleague ran to me and said
"were's nick?"

then i saw it...
the man he was talking about
he was slowly walking twards us
my colleague saw the man and said
"hey nick,that you!?"

then from were i stood i saw that two more men had appeared
"yo nick this aint funny man!"
i started looking in all directions
more and more of them were peering from the smoke and steam

we then noticed the ground was irrupting.... we started running but my colleague didnt make it....

i escaped by climing up a tree near an old asylum...
(of course out of all places....)

i stayed in that asylum for about a month
....thats when i started hearing them
{jaaaaaack......come outside jack~
we dont bite~}

i thought i was going crazy....
i then peeked through the small window in one of the chambers...

th...there's so m..many of them...

it was then that i realized these people werent people anymore....

august 12 1999
as the years passed by
i wandered the woods the desserts the grasslands.....and no sighn of anyone normal....
just as i had lost all hope i herd a womans voice....

"h..help m..me.."

i wasnt sure weather or not it was a person or one of those godamned monsters...... than i herd it again..even louder this time.


when i herd her the second time i ran to were i herd her...
i cant tell you that i helped her but i can tell you this.....
she......wasnt human.

i ran the opposite direction as fast as my adrenaline could make me go.....
and as i kept running i could still hear her

"come her Right Now COME BACK RIGHT NOW"
her voice turned dark and dry
i then stopped to take a breath....
i looked up and started crying....
the sighn said loss vegas

"how did i gwt here??"
it looks exactly the same as the town of centrailia??"

i looked to were i thought i saw lights but really.... it was fire.i ran to the nearest building and i was very lucky to find it emptyi ran to the top floor and waited......

...3 days later.....

i havent slept in ....i dont know how many days...all i know is i cant go on like this.... those creatures...those things....
they know my name......

"jaaack. why dont you come out?...
we want to play with you....we promise not to hurt you...... we think you will like it here with us....."

why?..... why me?....what did i do?...

"what did you do???....
...you worked for the reporters didnt you?..hehehe......you wanted to right a story right?.....well here is a story.....
you ever wonder why no one ever visits our little town.......hmhm...

the gas and flame mad us this way......your creations made us this way...hehe....and your boss was the man that left you here right?...
do you know who your boss is???....


your boss was the man who did this to us.....we feel happy!....hmhm...
he gave us smiles......amd very soon...
you will be happy too...(HAaahahaHaahAAAha...)

the laughter it wont stop........

5 seconds later.....

a more familiar voice spoke
"come on jackie boy... its not so bad"

then they stood there quietly for hours....just breathing....
maybe.....maybe its...not so bad....

The End