

The lying spirit...
He was busy reading nobel...
''hello..m...my self snigdha"
'oo hello myself rahul'
Again he was busy I. finding words...
snighdha still waching Rahul with her adorable eyes...

If I wish to define her ...no thing special characteristics can define her specially.

she is good enough in every thing ,except in relationship.

Every one hate her for lying..
snighdha can't pass her day without lying..
She had a daily habits of lying...
Now she wants to cathup with Rahul but Rahul may be a unique guy for her..because Rahul was good in study and very straight forward...

After meeting snighdha made her daily routine to meet Rahul in that park bench.
Rahul also made his friendship with her and still a month their friendship gone well.

one day snighdha made her courage and proposed Rahul ...

Rahul wished for time of two days for reply .....

Then after two days Rahul also replied her with a smile .

There was a friend of Rahul named satish.

After 3 months satish spotted snighdha with someone else in a hotel.

satish told the whole case to rahul and as satish was the childhood friend of Rahul, rahul had blind believe with satish and he can't said that he was wrong rather than snighdha...

Snighdha lied again rahul.
But rahul got evidences against her and had proof about the case.....

# if u want to know about the rest story wait for two day I'll come with it.Please like it if u likes.Thank u....