

Immortals: Gate of Earth part 4
Stairing down Nart in the Throne room he started to charge me. The time had come to fight as I took my daggers in hand. Nart got close to me and I dodged but his reach was still able to get me but only barely. Now with a cut down my arm, I slid towards the wall Muggog joined the fight and found Nart was going to eat soon being the glutton he is. At that moment some of his gatormen soldiers ran in the throne room. Nart showed his full furocity and killed then ate the soldiers that came in.
I got up and staggered to my feet grabbing my daggers and pouring blood from my arm. catching my second wind I looked to Muggog and he figured what I was wanting to do. Muggog made more golems and charged in at Nart with them at his side. I followed behind him to make a sneak attack and try to finish this fight quickly. Nart took a stance and crushed two of the golems as if they were sand. As he went to swing again to crush the other two and stopped mid swing when I jumped over Muggog to fight him. He knocked me to the ground then turned and crushed the golems as he also knocked Muggog to the floor.
It was at that moment I saw something incredible. Muggog changed before my eyes into a dragon covered in spikes. "Are you serious, your the earth dragon" Nart screamed. I figured get out of his way and let him have his fun. Muggog swung his tail and threw Nart clear to the wall and.made a large hole. Nart leaped in the air as Muggog caught him mid air and slammed him to the floor with one claw around his throat. Nart started gasping for air as he said "no, don't kill me." The look in Muggogs eyes said Nart was on deaths door as he picked him up by the throat. "Please, NO." Nart cried as he was clawed threw the chest by Muggog.
Muggog then started calming down and he started changing back to normal but looked at me and started wondering what happend as he looked at Narts corpse.