

Open the door
We would be the Three stooges if we were three but in this case we are four. Four friends that literally live like 5 minutes away from each other we hang out every day during school and after school also until like 9 pm just playing football practicing our skills our goal is to play in the NFL. Almost every day we get in trouble in school it's so annoying but the teachers already knows us and whenever they hear noise and we are close by it is certain they are blaming us. But I guess we are ok with that we love being the class clowns. Ok so going back to my friends we became close in elementary school on the bus before and after school we would talk about all the trouble we would get thru out the day it was so funny especially Kevin cross haha we would always come out with the smartest ideas but that was back then now we still hang out and we still get in trouble the only difference is we are older now we are in 8th grade in middle school so nothing really changed. So our group is called the crazy bunch so original huh!? our consist of four friends me Victor Torres I'm 14 also Marcus Manning he's 14 as well Samuel Taylor 14 and last but not least Kevin cross 14 also we are from Keller texas is small town and all we do is get In trouble in class and make fun of people especially the fat kids yes we been reported before but I don't really care. After school we usually hang out outside of our houses since we live super close we always do the same pass a football and talk about school and the girls that we like but we planned that we will go to this little lake walking distance from school it's a lake that says private property but we don't care about no freaking sign so we will go after school the next day. The next day we went to the lake after work me and my friends meet up at the bus exit and started walking to the lake we crossed the fence there was a little space that was cut so we didn't have to jump it. and I must say the lake was creepy there was a lot of trees close to the lake and we also saw a lot of tennis shoes or just clothes on the ground like if people would jump from the cliff to the lake frequently and forget about their belongings. like I said it was creepy but we liked it so we decided to come back another day. We would have to wait for Monday since it was Friday the day we went to the lake. so in the weekend Kevin tends to come to my house to play video games I want to say Kevin is my favorite friend from the bunch and he's funny every Saturday like around 1 pm he knocks on my door and says in a funny voice " Open the door" even my mom and little brother laugh at his non sense and know is him right away so they let him in. So that Saturday that he came over we talked about taking a camera to the lake and take pictures to see if any paranormal activity comes out we were excited for Monday after school. So Monday after school we go to the lake and take our cameras once we go there we had to cross the fence this time due to the open space was close already. After a while of being there I can swear I heard noises and saw shadows so I took plenty of pictures I was happy with my pictures so after a while it was time to go home and of course everyone but Kevin was there Kevin tends to play jokes on us so we thought it was one of his jokes so after a while of waiting for him we went home. assuming he was in his. After that day we didn't see Kevin until Wednesday well only I saw him he came to my house and told me what had happened that day in the lake and that he didn't feel good after that day that he felt someone was fallowing him at the lake and that no one was behind him when he would check and the worse part was that he heard a voice super close to him that said run so he just ran as fast as he could and tripped and hit his head leaving him unconscious for a few hours when he woke up it was Tuesday morning he had been knocked out for almost 8 hours so when he woke up he went to his house and no one was there so he waited for me to get out of school to tell me what he had experienced. When he left i texted the other two guys to tell them that Kevin was Ok. The next day at school Kevin wasn't there neither but I assumed he was trying to feel better so I didn't think anything about it. So I thought on going to his house after school. after school I got home tired so I decided not to go to Kevin's anyways he's probably tired so I just skipped that day and stayed home watching TV while I was watching the TV a little preview of the news came out and I saw they said they had found a body on the same lake me and the friends had gone to so I quickly texted my friends which they all replied except Kevin. so I decided to go to Kevins house but no one was there which that's weird because Kevin's family is always there so I just came back home. The next day Thursday still no signs of Kevin after school I decided to go to his house again and nothing no one was there. I was already getting worried. That Thursday night I received a message from Marcus and Samuel that I couldn't believe. That same night like around 3 am i woke up with this loud knocks on my door I looked thru the window to see who it was and it was just Kevin and once again he said "open the door" in his funny unique way but instead of feeling relieved I didn't I mean I would have opened the door if I didn't know he had been dead for three days.