

Humanity stands

The car sped through the dark night, it's headlights flashing, warning the incoming traffic. I stood there, in the side of the road. Wondering why I was dumb. The car came dashing through the street. The street light was flickering, I heard people gossip near me,
"This driver is mad, hell save him! " said one
"This driver is crazy! " said another.
"These youngsters are racing!" said one more.
The car stopped, the driver looked behind him in the back seat, there was a little lad with her doll, an old man, a young lady and a boy not over ten. All drenched and half alive.The hospital incharge and nurses brought strechers. They inquired him, and I heard him say
"I am a stranger to them, I was heading to the church and on the go I came to the beach, And there I saw this family get into water."
I did not hear anything more as I thought I had had enough. I smiled and moved to join the rest of the world.

© Sayee Dharshini