

How To Be God's Best Friend - eps 1of 7
"To be God's best friend, be constantly conscious of Him" - John Arthur.

Let your mind stay on God everyday. Isaiah 26:3 says, "You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You." Those who think about God, never sink in life. Those who think about God always sing songs of praise.

The more you think about God, the more He thinks about you. The less you think about God, the less He thinks about you (James 4:8). When you think about God, He makes others think about you.

Being conscious of God's presence, power and promises is one of the secrets to becoming His best friend. Let your mind stay on Him. Train yourself to remember God in all your activities.

Don't occupy your mind with your busy schedules. Those who think about God, never become busy in life. Because they know how to be His best friends.

Be a best friend of God today by thinking about Him today and forever. Only best friends of God think about Him everyday.