

How to meet important people in life.
How to meet important people in life.

Rule #1
Have a Dressing Code:

You are addressed with the way you dress. People in your compound, people in your community, people in your working place, people in your school, the new people you meets everyday and the ones that observes your dressings Everytime unknownly to you, will addresses you with what they see around your body.... Your dressings makes you adorable and attracts natural respect....

Rule #2
Have a Talking Code:

When you are in the midst of people, let your conversation be different. Talk with understanding. Talk in wisdom. There are moments to talk foolish things___ you can do that with your best friend or fiancee or spouse.. But when it comes to a special place of different people, you need to think before you talk. Master the act of talking to old known people and new people everyday... Equip yourself with knowledge and be ready to speak when you have the opportunity to speak!!! Your speech either attracts or subtract people to your life...

Rule #3
Become an adventure:

Don't stay in one place for too long. If you are the midst of people, learn to excuse yourself and take some walk. Learn to travel to New places. Learn to visit someone. Especially, traveling is the best part to meet new people and see opportunities. Don't be stuck in one environment, become unstuck and go-to new places to experience new life. Traveling is another episode of education!

Rule #4
Be ready for exposure:

Strive for new opportunities. Strive for new skills. Strive for new knowledge. Strive to discover what you have not discover, and when you does that, new people start coming into your life.. Become the CEO of your life, if you do, you will become indespensible.

Rule #5
Exchange new contacts:

Never forget to keep a renewal of your contacts. And if you have a new phone contact, learn to call the person first to know how he/she is doing. Another important thing you should do is this; if you have any contact whereby those persons are not calling you, kindly do a screening and delete those contacts. Don't keep negative contact too long in your phone.

Rule #6
It's back up with some prayers:

After doing your physical perspective to meet up with new people or discovered some knew knowledge or skills. You need to also do a spiritual perspective too. You need divine connection to connect with the right people in life. That's between you and your creator. Don't neglect the spiritual aspect!!!

In conclusion, always dress smart. Avoid body or mouth odour because that will make people to adjust from you.

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