

(chapter 2) gone mental💀
(the next day ) i just woke up feeling dizzy and i got up, waiting for my sister and her boyfriend to get here. see my sister is 25 and her boyfriend is 26, my sisters name is mellisa , and her boyfriend is noah, they both are amazing! back to when i woke up. i went to the kitchen to get my breakfast, just some cereal. and then i heard a doorbell and noahs voice saying " hey anybody home ?" i instantly ran to the door saying " nooo" as a joke and he said l" let me in squirt " that is the nick name he calls me because im so short. i let him im and as soon as he sat down my sister ran in the house with her skinny jeans and 80s themed outfit saying that she missed me. she settled down after we hugged and then i started talking. " mom and dad are at work right?" "yes?" they replied with concern in there voice " i explored the office yestarday and i saw that a wooden board was up, maybe it leads to a basment or something?" so we walked down the scary hallway, and broke into the office once more. the creeky board was gone? what? why was it not there, it was opened yestarday, so we went back to the couchand layed down and hung out for a few hours. then they left back to there house. so i went again with my bobbie pin and heard the "click" and walked in. i stepped on the board and it creeked! what? why was it not there? so i moved it with my fingers, and the bored moved. there was some sort of tunnel! " whats in there?" i thought. should i check it out? i put the board back as soon as i saw the time that my parents will be home in five minutes!! so i ran to my room, and layed in my bed and played on my phone. "should i explore whats down there tomorrow?" i thought.