

Lunia Mob S1EP2- C-TARI 8000
Scott was throwing his 23rd Birthday party at Johnaton's Place ( In which he was living with him.) The party was quite fun, there were drinks, pop & rap music that was popular, board games, play fighs, watching adult films with the bros. After say happy birthday to Scott, it was time to open the birthday gifts. Minato gave him some new track spikes from Udidas, his mom gave him some new HC Comics he likes, Michael gave him a book about running from, & Larry gave him some coffee mix.

When it was Johnaton and Scott's brother Felix turn to give Scott his present, Johnaton asked Felix to go first since he wanted to give his present last. When Felix gave the present to Scott. Scott slowly opened the present. When he completely opened the present, he was in total awe to see that his older brother just gave him the Delltari 8000, a game system that came out a year ago. Scott ran to the TV without even opening the present Johnaton gave him.

Scott and everyone else was playing 3 games in 4 hours, starting with War & Duty Black Ops, then Sam Kraken: Master Investigator, & then Zodiac Man. When it was time for everyone to go to the New Year's Party, Scott was ready to play one more game. His brother Marcus joined him, as well as Michael, Larry, Minato, and Johnaton. Everyone else left the party. Scott choses the new...