

When love dies (Chapter 15)
I go to the bathroom and grab bandages out the mirror. I pour alcohol on the cut. The pain was unreal and stung very badly. Then, I call a cab over to the hospital, where I got 5 stiches, just my luck for having a good time, After I come home and sit down. Two hands touch my shoulder's. "Let me see your hand." I look up and see Titan, and hold out my hand. "A glass broke on my it." He sits next to me. "Have you been drinking dear?"
"Yes, why?"
"I was just wondering."
"Wanna watch a movie?"
"What movie do you have in mind?"
"It's a scary movie."
"I love scary movies, put it on."
I turn the movie on and grab some popcorn. "Here," I hand him a bowl. "Thank you." As the movie goes on Titan looks unfaced by all the scary parts I jump at. And everytime I jump he smiles and holds me closer. When the movies over, Titan is leaning on me fast asleep. I lay him down and put a blanket over him. He wasn't so intimidating when he was sleeping. I lye down in bed and fall asleep. In the morning I hear something being cooked in the kitchen. When I peak my head around the corner I see Titan cooking. He turns around and smiles. "Good morning Dear."
"Hi, what are you making?"
"An omelet, nice apron by the way." He waves my "Kiss the cook" apron around. "If fits you nicely. I got it from my friend."
"Well sit down, breakfast is ready."
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