

Blood Sick

I felt the the cold air touched my face, I open my eyes within few seconds of realise that I was unconscious . I am on my feet , my eyes got wide eyes only could see the darkness .I could feel my heart was beating fast. aside from my own noisy breath there is nothing to be here and the forests are simply Too dark to see much at all.

No sign of life to be found anywhere it was so dark that I barely able to see where I was  going . there were only wail of the wind, I didn't know what laid in the dark forest all I knew was that it wasn't going to be peaceful journey .

I lost in the blackness that even Moonlight can not help I could only hear cold breeze screaming in my ears , suffocating slowly i was stepping carefully through the Woodland.

The pathway at my feet fades away as it leads into the Darkness of the woods yet I follow it.  somewhere in there is the answers i needs and so my feet follow the narrow strip of the earth .
        the path would become the deepest brown and the moonlight would glint  the stones within it . stepping into the forest alone .,..I don't know why am I here how did it come here in this dense forest .
so many questions was revolving in my head,  the soft susurration of the branches felt heavy in my ears.

I felt persentiment  of someone following me .......

I gulp at the thought and turn my neck to my left and right side but ' no one ' I let out a long sigh and continue working gropingly in the Woods.

And there's a moment when I feel that something went past me quickly I couldn't even see the thing , I rest my hand on my chest feeling the pounding of my heart,  trying to calm myself .

As I was about to step forward my feet froze in the place I cannot even move my body what I saw in front of me made me shock that I didn't even blink my eyes .

Tall figure of man with the skin as pale as the moonlight , eyes as red as blood was standing in front of me , he pulled his lips into the smile which gave me creepy feeling grow inside my body.
         I started to get sweaty in fear,  I narrowed my eyes and saw sharp fangs as he moves slowly towards me soundlessly

"   Who... who are you ?????
are you vam....vampire??? " I  asked with Shake  in my voice .

       I forcefully close my eyes and the next moment I open my eyes and was breathing heavily..... I found myself in my room I put my hand on forehead in frustration " it was only dream ." I spoke in whisper to myself , still trying to catch my breath.

© Royancharmd