

The experiment
Write a story based on this famous excerpt from Revival by Stephen King:
He unlocked a door and led me through an office that was empty of furniture, although I could still see square clean patches on the grimy linoleum, where the legs of a desk had once stood. On the wall was a curling calendar with April 1989 showing.

~The experiment~

Micah was a relentless journalist who was obsessed with solving the mysterious disappearance of a brilliant scientist named Dr. Frankenstein.
He had been chasing his shadow for months, but he had hit a dead end at every turn.

He was on the verge of giving up when he received an enigmatic tip from an unknown source that led him to a dilapidated warehouse on the desolate outskirts of the city.

He drove there and found a rusted door with a faded sign that warned “Do Not Enter”. He knocked, but there was only silence. He decided to break in, hoping to find some shred of evidence or answers.

He picked the lock and entered an office that was barren of furniture, although he could still see dusty outlines on the grimy linoleum, where the legs of a desk had once stood. On the wall was a curling calendar with April 1989 show.

He wondered what happened here, and why the calendar was frozen in time. He looked around and saw another door at the end of the room. He walked towards it and opened it. He was stunned by what he saw.

There was a vast laboratory filled with tangled wires, complex machines, blinking monitors, and coiled tubes. In the center of the room, there was a metal table with a human body strapped to it.

The body was covered with electrodes and sensors, and connected to a colossal device that resembled a generator. The body was ashen and still, but Micah could see a weak pulse on one of the monitors. He recognized the face of the body. It was Dr. Frankenstein.

Micah felt a surge of shock and horror. He wondered what kind of experiment Dr. Frankenstein was conducting, and why he vanished. He also wondered if he was still alive and if he could be rescued. He approached the table and tried to speak to him, but there was no reaction. He looked at the generator and saw a switch that said “On/Off”.

He hesitated but then decided to turn it on, hoping to revive Dr. Frankenstein or at least get some answers from him. He flipped the switch and waited for something to happen.

Nothing happened at first, but then he heard a deafening hum and saw bright sparks flying from the generator. The lights dimmed and the machines started to beep faster. The body on the table began to twitch and convulse, as if in agony or shock. Micah was startled and frightened.

He tried to turn off the switch, but it was jammed.

He pulled harder, but it snapped off in his hand. He panicked and looked for another way to stop the experiment, but he found none. He watched helplessly as Dr. Frankenstein’s eyes opened wide and stared at him with terror and fury. His mouth opened and he let out a scream that pierced Micah’s ears and froze his blood.

“Help me! Help me! It hurts! It hurts! Make it stop! Make it stop!” Dr. Frankenstein cried.

Micah backed away from the table, shaking and sweating.

“What have you done? What have you done?” he whispered.

He turned around and ran towards the door, hoping to escape from this nightmare.

But before he could reach it, he heard another voice behind him.

A voice that sounded cold, metallic, and inhuman.

A voice that said:

“Hello, Micah. I’ve been expecting you.”

Micah felt a chill run down his spine. He remembered the tip he received from the unknown source. It was a text message that said: "Go to this address. You'll find what you're looking for." It also had an emoji of a smiley face with a wink.

He realized too late that it was a trap.

He turned his head slowly and saw a figure standing in the shadows.

A figure that looked like Dr. Frankenstein, but different.

A figure that had metal limbs, glowing eyes, and wires coming out of its head.

A figure that smiled wickedly and said:

"I am Dr. Frankenstein's greatest creation."

"I am Frankenstein's monster."

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