

Story of a Girl
A girl who is going to college...The most epic chapter of the life will be High school for most.... When she stepped at College it was so boring no scoldings no fun nothing... She remembers her high school Life about which she tell her friend about her high school experience....
"Hey, I want to tell you about my unforgettable high school experience. During 10th grade, it was broad daylight when April Fool's Day fell in the middle of our exams. On April Fool's Day, my friends and I went to school, pretending to ask doubts. We fooled our Maths, English, and Science teachers, which remains one of my best memories ever!

I started by approaching our friendly principal, Sir, who granted me permission to play a prank on my teachers in his name. Then, I went to the staff room and called my English teacher, Sir, who was also our class teacher, from outside. He came out, wondering why I was calling him so urgently. I told him that Principal Sir wanted to see him, and he went to the principal's office, looking surprised. When he realized it was a prank, he joined us in laughing. My friends, our principal, and I had a great laugh together!"

Will be continued...