

Relationships and bonds are the essence of human existence. Being the newbie in this vast universe you are introduced to some unbreakable and cryptic connections. But, ever thought of this maze where we are neither aware of the entry nor the exit. It is like a vortex you whirlpool throughout your life. Questions of what , when, how , why , where always remain an enigma to be deciphered.

It is true that we do not get to choose our birth time relations but we do get opportunities in multitude to caress them and help it flourish into a dainty flower the corolla of which comprises of layers of love, respect, belonging, trust, cooperation, loyalty and understanding. However, just as the autumn see the flowers shrivelling and withering the same happens to these links of ours. With time these feelings fade and we enter in a world of 'No one loves me, No one understands me'.

In time today where people are unaware of their own self, their real identity, where people are striving to learn to love themselves yet they are buzy claiming to the world their success in having built a happy family. It is like a pretence where the forged sentiments take over the natural and raw strings of attachment.

Relationships today are more of a social responsibility rather than something intutive, Some reasons to unfold this mystery are distance, lack of communication, opulent lifestyle leading to our inability of giving time to our own people....people whom we admire, adore, love but have started taking for granted maybe or have gone completely detached from them at heart.

In this race of competing for the survival of your own identity the crux of these bonds are disappearing into thin air. But, as goes the saying it is never too late to start we need to comprehend the importance of people around us. It is time to realize that life is like an hour glass, sand pouring down every second but, before the last granule crosses the border its a wake up call to look back and analyze , what we had and what we have now and how to cherish them throughout our lives. It is time to stop and go down in memory lane to get in touch with people whom we have lost on our way, to apologize for having hurt someone intentional or not intentional, to express the wonderful role these characters had, to thank people who have been a beautiful chapter in your journey of life. Its time for recollection not just of a happy nostalgia but also of people responsible for these sweet times.

It is true that everyone comes and leaves the world all alone however this is also a fact that you want people to feel joyous when you make your first step and to shed tears of remembrance and acknowledgment when you bid adieu because 'EMOTIONS' are exactly what makes us 'HUMAN'!!