

Life Lessons (2)
2 men wanted to be in the NBA, to play for the Lakers. One of them, Joaquin, quit his dream because it was too much work and effort, and settled for a janitor job at a high school. The other guy, LeBron, he always wanted to be a basketball player and he'd do whatever it takes to make it. Hard work, training and so much drama, he made it. It took years, months, but he made it and is now a professional basketball player who is working with The Lakers team.

So... never settle for less. Work hard for what you want. Do what's best for you.
Don't give up and follow your heart. You can do anything if you just believe so believe in yourself and just know that there's two people who'll always be with you: Yourself and God.

God bless you
Take care
Stay safe and blessed
© TJ