

The girl beside the river
Chapter 1
In the forest

As I was walking through the icy path of the forest, I could hear the mumblings and mutters of ghostly ghouls, that were said to live in there. I shouldn't have played the game, I whispered to myself, no I shouldn't have. I should have just listened to Sarah, and destroyed it. But I didn't know it was cursed! Urgh, I should have just read the guide to it!

It was now getting cold, and I could see the bloody eyes of the vampire bats fixed on me, but I just tried to shrug it off, since there was nothing else I could do.

I remembered, in the game, there was said to be a girl, she has pale skin, with Black hair, and a slender body; she is the guardian of the forest, so all I need to do is to find her, and all my struggles will be gone. I feared the thought of meeting her though, maybe she was a vampire, or even something more sinister! but of course, I knew, nothing was scarier than a vampire, I just knew it!

It felt like it reached midnight, and it also seems I was having no heavenly luck of finding her.

A few more hours passed, and in the distance, I could hear the faint growl of something I thought was a WOLF! I ran as quick as possible, but it seemed like it was getting faster, every step I took. Maybe it was time for me to leave the world. I thought to myself, is this place even Earth?!

I just knew I had to keep running no matter what, but I could feel my legs were weak, and my eyes were stressed.

All because I didn't listen to Sarah...

Chapter 2 coming up on 8th of
October 2021

Thanks for reading, please tell me if there is any place for improvement, I would really appreciate it!

Books that inspired me: The Night Bus Hero, Charlie Bone and the Blue Boa and The Explorer