

equal rights
we talk a lot about equal rights for men and women but do we really mean it?
we live in a society where at a particular moment women wants equal opportunity as men to excel in every field but at the same time they want ladies quota to survive in all these fields.
we live in a society where men thinks after marriage he should not raise his family alone so he wants an educated wife so that both of them can financially contribute equally for the family. But during marriage that same person wants dowry. now where is that equality? If after the marriage both should contribute equally then during the marriage why is the dowry only applied to the women?
This situation can't even be explained as buying your wife. it's such a silly custom where women has to herself provide money to the men and then herself go and act like a servant at the man's place. If she is a housewife she will be expected to do all the household work alone and then she have to hear that she does nothing but acts as another burden for the only earning man. If she is a working woman then she is expected to give all her salary to her husband without any questions at the end of every month. After returning from his office, the husband is considered to be tired and allowed to rest but the woman she has to manage both her office and home. As soon as she returns from work, she is expected to cook food for the family and do other household works.
Is it fair to first take all the money her parents had during marriage and then take her to another house to treat her like she is either a servant or nothing but a money making machine. This isn't equality.
we have another example:
As a children our parents do a lot for us so after growing up its our responsibility to take care of them. But this society puts all the responsibilities on the son because the daughter is supposed to be serving her in-laws and her own parents has no right on her money. Is this equality? NO
Finally the biggest example that everyone must have noticed
In case of a divorce, our constitution has a rule that the wife could claim or possesses 50% of the husband’s residential or immovable property irrespective of the fact whether it is possessed before the marriage or after marriage. What kind of a law is this? Husband and wife are supposed to be two sides of the same coin so isn't it unfair to treat wife as a victim when by dividing his property, husband becomes the real victim. Whosever fault it may be but taking someone's hard-earned property without his wish is unfair. This is simply insulting the word equality.
I am not supporting or going against a single gender. I am against the society and it's rules.
I have earlier mentioned about the ladies quota. If we really want equal rights then girls should not take advantage of their ladies quota. Would they do so? no-one would do so. Actually no body should leave a chance to do something in their life if they are getting a chance to do so. That would be a stupid act to do so just to show that you want equality. if we are getting an advantage we have all the rights to use it. My only intention is to make people understand that there are different rules for both men and women both have their own pros and cons so don't run behind equality instead it's better to run for justice.
At the end I would like to conclude that we humans create break and modify our rules for life according to our convenience. People need to understand that there is a great difference between using and mis-using the facilities given to you.
If we can't perform equality we have no right to use that word but who cares when it's beneficial to us. I know I can't change the society but I tried my best to put my first step towards it.
© ipsita sahu