


A man parked his car in front of a store and told his daughter.please stay in the car ..........
... I'll buy you some chocolate and come back soon," he said, he Weare his mask and entering into the store.

When he returned, she was not in the car.

Stunned, he looked around a little distance and saw his daughter looking at a building 200 feet away.

He ran with a fear and stood in front of her.

"What are you doing here?" He asked anxiously.

"Don't stop me ... Dad. I think this building has something to do with me. I think something happened in the past life disturbs me. I know this ... I know a lot," she began.

Dad didn’t know what to do. She was advancing with amazement.

"Wait a minute ..." he said

But she did not listen to her father and went to the building.

"I will not rest until I know what that has to do with me."

The impatient father left a beat on his daughter's cheek. and told the daughter who was standing.

"How is your brain became blunt like this by seeing cartoons in this lockdown. ..... And he said that

This is the school you went to before covid 19 ... "
