

New beginning
Getting there for the first time,I was filled with uncertainty.the stress of the journey was washed away by my thoughts, "will I be able to cope?", I kept on asking myself. A very robust woman walked towards us with a very big smile still,I shrank away into my mom.She walked with much confidence as opposed to my introverted self and introduced herself as the matron of the school,she smiled and asked for my name but I couldn't say a word so my mom told her.
My mom explained that she wanted me here so i would be able to properly interact with my peers.
She assured my mom that i was in safe hands then 3 girls came wearing the same uniform i guessed was the hostel wear,they were obviously older than i was.They took my bags and began walking in the direction of the hostel and we followed them but i still cling to my mom and looked at her, pleading with my eyes for her to change her mind but she smiled and told me I will be fine.On getting there, i heard loud voices singing a welcome song and looked around to see different girls mostly in my age group smiling at me.
It was then I decided after feeling the genuinty of their smile, that my mom may not be wrong after all and i might be in the right place 😊.
© dh_iamond