

Who is to blame?
Why do we often look for someone to blame when there is a problem? Tell us in story writing what you think about it.

Why do we have to look for someone to blame when there is a problem? This seems like a difficult question to answer, but actually, it's the reverse. First of all, humans need to understand that problems will always arise no matter what they do. Work problems, relational problems, financial problems, health problems, belief problems, nature problems, and many more problems. All of these problems put together is called LIFE.
Understanding that problems are unavoidable is the first step in understanding the blame game. We always wish to see another person/thing as the cause of our problems. This is because no one wants to think they can ever cause problems to themselves.
When a problem arises, the brain pressures you to look for it's source. Finding the source of any problem is the first step to solving the problem. If the source of a problem cannot be pointed out clearly, cluelessness on how to solve it sets in.
Problems don't come from nothingness, they come as a result of us living our lives. In every thing we do, we have to involve other people. Even basic friendship has to involve two or more persons to exist. work has to involve an employer and an employee. Now when there is a problem, the last person to be blame is ourselves. We seek out anyone around us to blame other than ourselves. This trait right here is only natural. For a problem to be solved, the source needs to be identified. In identifying the source, someone has to take the blame.
Next time when someone or a group of persons blame you for been the source of a particular problem, just see that they are in a process of trying to solve the problem. This way, you won't feel so bad for been blamed.
© Obinna Okereke