

When arun was going out of the house he saw that a zombie few kilometres away jumping and looking some weird than other zombies then arun talk to himself and said “what the hell is this now?”
Then he ignores it and walk to the medical store when he was coming down a zombie attacked him. He was going to get bitten but he was close saved and by taking sometime and then he killed him and there he got a location of a place we then see that arun was walking out of the building and founding medical store then he saw a small shop with a restaurant and eel that there was a medical store and go to take some pills and eat it also and he get some and do what he thought while closing water bottle cap someone came and hit on his head with the backside of the gun.
And then we see that it was night time and then arun came in consciousness and said and what the, hell how how did I came here” then we see arun thinking that what happened that time then he said to himself that “oh shit”. Then he found that there was his bag and his supplies.
Then he sees that he was in a truck and at the backside of the truck there were some holes he saw that a type of monster jumping and coming then arun got scared and asked the driver that “Hey, listen you person I don’t care that who are you, but can you drive faster because a monster is coming from behind.”
“What!” said the unknown man but it was too late then we see that the driver was surprised on seeing the fire in his city of Mumbai and everywhere were dead roaming around eating, killing and infecting people where ever they feel.
And then we see at the backside of the truck, the monster {schybozara} jumped and made a reaper sword and cut the truck in to the half.
And then we see that arun was gone at the other while the driver part was gone on the other side and it got blasted arun saw that moment and got hurted on his leg due to a sharp piece of broken iron then he listens of dropping of petrol then he quickly gets out of the truck and then only we see then monster then arun asked what the hell then the monster says “I am schybozara”.
And then we see arun was running, his legs were paining but he had to run for his life because schybozara was attacking him from behind he had nothing now not his food, water nothing then a voice comes from the side of the car, saying “I am here to save you, come here!”
And we see a suspense moment schybozara jumped take out his reaper sword going to kill Arun saw back then monster was ready then only a missile came and took monster back and then blasted then we see arun getting weak and then go to unconsciousness.

© Aryan writings