


In the corners of your mind, there are smiles and memories that you cannot just leave behind, that you cannot just forget. But how is it even fair to binge watch that happened years ago..., it's not just past moments that i went through, it's about the feeling of guilt and repentance that hold me to however condition I am in, not trying to move on.
Oops! I didn't introduced myself, I am Ayra currently pursuing my MBBS degree from my dream college, King George Medical University;Lucknow.It seems all perfect in my academic ground but when it comes to my personal life, I am still a person who is holding on to things that happened ages ago. I fear I might just loose myself all over again if I fell for someone and that is something I haven't come in terms with yet.
I have been that old school teenager who feel love happens once, if it didn't work out then it was never meant to be. But between expectation Vs reality, I always lean towards how it was suppose to be. I am likely to be in my virtual world when it comes to personal life. I love to be in denial that someone just used me but never loved me and never really cared what opinions I wanna put on the table.. Cause since childhood I never really thought I would start falling for someone so hard that I allow myself to loose in the process. Yeah! talking about this loss, I am still not over yet and trust me be it any good or bad moments keeps me confined to places I never wanna be anymore. So ,here I am sitting all alone, to convince myself to get over the past to really have a catch about the present, let's see if I succeed or not.
Till then, keep hustling and writing your heart out....