

The Era of Damnation. ( Part 1 ) #2
Part 1
Chapter 2

The Albedors.
These small creatures with humanoid like appearence were simply nothing compared to the others around them.
They were quite tall comapared to human, the regular size for both males and females being around 2 Meters and 35 centimeters, they were mostly surrounded by a protective purple armor, this one mostly made out of hard chitin, they were extremely smart, and had a very special tail with a spiky chitin end, as soon as they adapted to their new destructive environment, they quickly realized that it would be best to live in a social life style, as their best option for survival was to keep their numbers high when facing this extreme environment.

As the Alberdors started their first 100 years, they quickly learned various tecniques for better survival, group identification, protection, and much more. The most obvious solution for higher chances of survival, was to live underground or inside small caves, where the giant kaiju creatures couldn't reach them or harm them, and so they did. For identifications, they quickly learned to have names, each one of these names would be written down on the Alberdor's arm with animal blood, the names were sacred on their species, and it was believed that each name had a special meaning. For survival, they quickly learned that they were not the only small creatures around this giant planet, there various species not related to the kaiju's, that were not able to absorve the Uthorium energy like most, these creatures were prey for the Alberdors, and most importantly, food.

But in this story, we will be focusing on one specific Alberdor, the one that will lead his own species to survival, to the top of the food chain, and his name.. is Gamur.

Gamur is just like any other Alberdor, in fact, he is one of the Resource Gatheres, in the Food category, he is one of Alberdors that risks his life in the outside world to get food for the species.
Right now, Gamur was hunting with his companions, Pirblitz and Kui.

The three of them were running furiously while chacing a deer like animal, the most common of hunted animals by the pride, The Bracius, only that unlike the normal deer.. this one was 3 meters tall and 6,7 meters long.

" Don't let it escape, its pelt will make fine warmth! " - Said Gamur, stopping his sprinting tracks and trowing a rock bladed spear in hopes to hit the creature.

" It's not like it has super long legs Gamur! " - Said Pirblitz right after as a response, this one jumping onto the creature mid sprint, in hopes to slow it down, wich he does, as he grabs onto the creatures leg, allowing the spear to land spot on into the creatures back.

" I GOT HIM! " - Said Kui while jumping into the creatures back, taking the Spear out of its back with agressiveness, and stabbing it in the neck from behind before it could react, blood spitting right onto Kui's face.

A few seconds pass, before Gamur opens a wide smile trowings its arms in the air.

" You nailed it guys! " - Said Gamur running onto them, as the creature falls on its side, Pirblitz quickly lets go of its leg, letting out a big " Sigh " from tiredness.

" I guess you're right.. " - Said Kui taking out the spear from the creatures body and smilling to the other two.

After a few minutes, the giant Bracius was alredy skinned and ready for transport, it was time use the so called " Uthorium crafting ", Gamur calmly takes out of his packback a uthorium gem, a blue looking crystal with massive ammounts of power inside it, he quickly holds tight to it, now using his sences to transfer the uthorium energy to his body, by doing this, he then raises his other hand in front of the dead Bracius, and with this strange energy, he slowly starts to levitate the enormus creature, like some type of telekinesis.

" You got it, don't lose focus now.. " - Said Kui, wich was the most careful of the three.

" I got it, don't worry about it " - Said Gamur, the most uthorium skilled of the three.

" I still dont know how you do that, seems almost impossible to me.. " - Said Pirblitz, he is the dumb one.. but for sure the most athletic of the three.

They now start to walk back to the base, in hopes to reach it alive, or atleast with all 5 members.

End of Chapter 2
© Bito_Saiki