

I sorry
I am sorry that I had let go to have to let go of everyone I love just get my peace something when you are a mother we hold so much people don't have a clue we try to protect them but protect you but God nobody knows what I been through but God I had my time but I don't give up when it come to child I prayed keep them with being not molested I care because a lot of kids not fortunate like mine to be place with family but that was my choice I tried to keep them together I thought that was better but people have their own way of messing people but no matter I did all I can do but I loss my house to a house fire I tried to start over in Augusta ga from time move there I should have left went back to Florida but I tried anyway now I really wish I would if know what I know right now for all the things that happened there I love myself I know what I am worth some people don't understand and the God I serve is all ways good I had the biggest betrayal I don't like but God show me everyone hand it not about baby messing around in car and dirty deal in family people don't understand about people that have devil mind to other people but as this day the family and supposed to be friends the things hurt the is my parents I would not believe in a million years when people put at the but God place back where you should be back at the top I can't wait to go to Disney seven day six night five parks just to see the smile of my grandson I can't wait to spend it him he's so brave to go through all this by himself and I love him so much and he deserved them make a wish foundation too friend him his wish to Disney and I cannot wait to enjoy till enjoy everything about my baby and I can't wait but I didn't say I still love my baby and all my other kids but the betrayal was very big and I really did not understand why but I thank God for removing the ungrateful ungrateful husband that I could never not ask for but I bless him the best God bless everybody else the same but at the same time I'll also listening in Georgia I really don't appreciate that and I know God is able to do wrong own thing not song and one day I will get my Justice for what they have done to me I'll never forget it I'll never forget it but at least God did give me compassion where he do let me move on strongly and I do know my work well then people know they were fine I know man I'll raise a good way in Florida I don't blame nobody but them that do not try to understand people with disabilities but at the same time I have my disability and my kids have their own but I had to also be that Mama because of their disability I have a big problem for them and I protect them at all costs can I still do regardless of whatever fight for me fight for me and fight for them and at all costs I'm not going to let nobody get away with anything but at least I know sure the betrayal that happened in Georgia and the material that happened in Florida it doesn't matter who betrayed who God owns what on and like I said an entertain I did all I can do for my kids can and I'll do what I can do now and for my grandkids I still will fight for them just like all right for me