

Loneliness a constant companion she find solace,
page by page she flips
With every word she find a bliss,
21:00 it's time to pack
At home where everything is locked
Tick tock, tick tock
She listens, her minds can't stop to think.
"Tomorrow is another day",
A whisper, but more than a promise
To another book she'll never miss.
other world, another journey she finds,
In every word, she'll live in mind.
21:00 the day is about to end,
But a whisper of invitation is around, the bend.
"Come" a gentle call
Come! This time a little louder.
Another room, flickering light
A door ajar
another reading room!
Piles and piles of books!
She was elated!
She smiled as she caress
Every spine of every books.
I know you'll love it!
A voice exclaimed
Behind the Leather chair.
There he sits,
As pages flips.
Come, join me to read!
A tale of love, I'll lead.
He says,
No questions,
No uttered words
They read and read
At last she found a friend
With love of books she'll fend
Day by day
They stayed
In silence they find solace
Immersed in words in another place

To be continued....
© anne