

Life Path
"Set your life on a different path." Frame a motivating tale to go along with the phrase.

There are going to be steps along the way to your new goal. Once you change the path you’re on, you will have to do new things in order to reach your new goal. These might be uncomfortable, or they might feel like things you have been meaning to do your entire life. Either way, they are going to be different and until you get used to them your life is going to feel unbalanced.

No worries, it isn’t bad, it’s just different. And all the things you think of as normal used to feel different too. This is just a different set of steps.

Most people never take the opportunity to change their path through life. But you are not most people. There is no harm in staying where you are right now, but if you do want to change, today is a pretty good day to start doing that.
Everyone has to start somewhere on their life path. If you want to change, your point in time right now is where you begin.

© @ Divya~