

Message to humanity
Lesson 1: Introduction
The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, my heart pounding with terror.
I turned a corner and stopped short. I had reached a dead end. Ah!! sad though this place.....It stinks as hell!! where am I???
No..no ...don't come near me...Please stop there ...wait lemme explain ... (I just turned in search of a paper ....That carried the last hope of my life)
And when I turned towards it ..What I saw....BOOM!! nothing
Hey 1 sec ....DID IT JUST VANISHED!!!----
B....But I swear there was something ...I swear I saw something..!!
Ahhh!!! I think am feeling dizzy ...need to rest !!
In dream again I saw it...and opened my eyes in state of fear...ahh I can feel goosebumps over my all body...!! There is something in this old asylum ...who wants to communicate with me...Well!! well I know...you guys are in state of total confusion....what is going on ?? ok letme Rewind the whole thing for you ...right from the scratch...ahem !! So I live in Pennsylvania ..by profession I am a archeologist and thereby always trying to collect and learn from historical stuffs and all trying to study our extravagant fancy past quite boring though!! But a profession is a profession so There is this man Mr Smith, He wants to sell his old land to the city mayor but the issue is ... He don't want to sell his pots having gold coins and all old jewellery to Mr John ..Man has been greedy though ...The centuries are proof of it ...This wealth has been reason for decline of many civilizations .wars ...still it is same !! sorry for this philosophy but... Anyway let's move forward ...so he assigned this to me(OBVIOUSLY , my team c'mon am not that much desperate and greedy)...To find that wealth aka those pots , chest all that stuffs ..Actually we made a pact with him he holds his share to the state museum though!! He said 25% of that stuff that our team will discover will be kept by him the remaining 75% can be kept by museum...we needed this consignment by the way ..The museum was really in very bad state the paints on the wall was getting worse infested by termites those pitty shelves ,cobwebs everything was getting lost with time so we said yes in no time..without even giving a second thought !! That such a greedy and con man allowed us into his estate ...HOW???