

Waiting for the Next Fool
I was making my way through the traffic on the bike. On a hurry to reach my office on time, I approached a red light. A familiar scene unfolded: vehicles edging past the stop line, impatient to jump the signal in the absence of police or cameras. As I prepared to join the fray, my eyes caught a young woman on a scooter. Unlike everyone else, she waited patiently for the green light.

Maybe she was new here, unaware of the city's unspoken rule: traffic signals were mere suggestions. I pulled up beside her, ready to offer the "local advice."

"You can go on red, everyone does," I said, expecting agreement.

To my surprise, she smiled and replied, "It's okay, I'll wait."

I couldn't fathom why anyone would choose to stop on the road on such a sunny day when you could easily pass by without any repercussions.

Curiosity piqued, I pressed further. "Are you waiting for someone to catch up on you on the road?"

Curiosity piqued, I pressed further. "Are you waiting for someone to catch up on you on the road?"

She smiled. "I understand that a lot of people cross the stop line to save their time and often ignore road safety and the value of life. Maybe out of a hundred, just one person cares about the rules and the safety of others. When everyone else jumps the light, that one person might feel foolish for following the rules. I don't want anyone to feel foolish and alone for doing the right thing. So, yes I am waiting for the next fool who still cares and hopes for a better and safe society."

Her words struck a chord, a cool breeze amidst the sweltering heat. My idling bike suddenly felt like a symbol of the recklessness I was about to partake in. Silencing the engine, I joined her, waiting for the green light. For the first time, following a traffic signal felt empowering, a silent act of solidarity with the invisible guardian of the road - the one who cared.

#newindia #roadsafety #bettersociety
© Wini