

The new girl Chapter 4 (The end)
Hey everyone,while writing i realised that my story was too long so ... am sorry if there is a slight change!

Disclaimer: This is the end part of the story "The new girl". all characters used in this story belongs to no one! and if you know someone bearing any of the name then it must be a coincidence. Keep going🖤.

Later on that day, jess and i went for
all our classes and headed back home afterwards. I wen't home looking drained of all energy and stressed out . my parents got so worried about my mood but i kept on disagreeing with what so ever they claimed was wrong with me. when I was taking a shower,all i could think of was "Why would she be so mean" especially to someone whom doesn't know her. just then,Jessicas' words kept on recalling to my head . "Yes! she maybe right its possible jasmine is depressed and venting it out on people" I thought to myself . "I have to stop replying every harsh statement she throws at me so i could get to be friends with her and know the reason for her attitude" I said to myself. The next day at school, Principal Richards,announced an election of the new schools' support club President . Wow! i finally found this as a great opportunity to win . I told jess about it and she agreed to support me every step of the way.
To cut the long story short , I finally won the schools' support club president after i had gone through a lot all thanks to Jasmine for being so jealous. After my victory had been announced,Jasmine ran out in tears while everyone took pictures and laughed saying "oh has the great lion has bowed down to the ant? hahahaha" a student from the crowd uttered.
Jasmine ran out in tears and pain. I could read through her eyes that it was more than an election. Surprisingly,she opened up to me and said "Olivia,am sorry for all i caused you ever since the day you stepped your foot in this school. Its just that , I haven't been in my right senses for years now. ever since my mother died in a plane crash when i was 6 years old, everything changed,my dad,my education,my friends and myself. my dad suffered deeply and always cried every night in a low tune holding my mothers' picture just so i don't hear him , without the knowledge that i always watched him crying for years . It got to a particular point where he never came back for days. Atimes,he came back drunk and with few ladies every night . I suffered physically and emotionally to a point i fell into depression for 9 solid years of my life. I have forgotten how to love and smile,all i saw was hate for everyone and my dad! You know Olivia, when my mum was still alive she was my best friend and everything to me,she never ceased to make me laugh even my dad no longer has time first me he is always so busy ,so i had no one to share my problems with since I was the only child. Our family was a happy and wealthy family with no worries,until life made a cruel joke on us ! now everything is shattered!! my life is rewened . Even those i called my friends never bothered to ask me if i was okay all they cared about was fame and money. Why do still care about me soo much after all i have put you through! Look Olivia ,I am really sorry for all i did to you and i feel so ashamed of myself , I let envy and spite rule my heart and emotions! am sorry forgive me" she said crying bitterly with a red swollen eyes ,red cheek ,a pale face and a disastrous make up. "Its alright dear,i knew that your were secretly hiding your feelings away from the outside world,afraid of how time face them"She replied with a warm smile .
after that day she started getting better both,educationally and emotionally cause i gave her my handouts that was given to me by my mum when i was 10. its was a book written for depressed people,it helps in anger management and so on...cause my mum is a psychologist so i got so many handouts in case. but, i never felt the need to read any cause I never had any issue like that. Well,the handouts really paid off,also she started reading romance novels,comedy videos and all those stuffs which made her become much more nicer,calm and open to me and everyone else and also she started getting better academically. We three, became best friends and graduated together. I was also very happy that Charles came out of his shell and gave life another try.

The END!
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Hope you learnt a lot ! its not every mean person that is mentally okay. no body was born like that something might have happened or its peer influence.
