

Be Good. Be Bad. Be You.
They told me:
"Be Good"
I was kind and loving to all.

They told me:
'Be Smart'
"Being Good won't
do you any good."
I selectively did Good deeds.

They told me:
"Be Bad"
"Smartness is being rude
to bad people who are selfish"
I selectively did Bad deeds.

They told me:
"Be selfish"
It's okay to look
after yourself.
I became a Greedy Selfish fellow.

Now, What am I?
Who are They?

'They' are not me;
not my mind:
not my voice.

'They' are everywhere.
They defined Good,
Bad, Smart and evil
by what they know of
and think about.

Find your own way.
Find your own definition.
Find yourself.

You only know what's
Good and Bad for you.
Listen to their voices;
Respect their choices;
They did experienced Life;
But Lived their Own Lives.

(It's Okay to get lost
in the darkness
searching for the light;
But, find a way
there always is)

Be Good.
Be Bad.
Be You.

© Prakash JR