

What if God stripped you of your success, your loved ones, any hope for future that you ever thought you had. Shattered in front of you and left with naught but the broken shards to comfort....like an open wound which eventually heals to become a scar, pain leaves nasty holes in ones mind and a residual tar that one can never quite escape from.......even amidst such pain, would you still praise God???
Pain and struggle through faith are a neccessary step in finding one's way to light and to God.... Although such a journey for light, however heavy, difficult, or lonely; is always worth the fight!! As it was spoken so long ago of journey's that lie ahead of them...... 'Take nothing for the journey- no staff, no bag, no bread, no money, no extra tunic. Whatever house you enter, stay there until you leave that town. If people do not welcome you, shake the dust off your feet when you leave their town, as a testimony against them. ' (Luke 9:3-5) so you can only imagine the struggles that they must had to have faced........
Living for God must be an unwavering mindset, lifestyle, and overall goal in one's life....one must perceive their own pain through God's perspective....pain is a shattering but neccessary part of life....Every emotion a lesson that need be learned......If you spend your life running from your own pain, it will control you......Spend it blaming God and it will come back to haunt you......ignore it and you will succumb to it.......sometimes the only choice you have left is to accept your pain for what it is, leave heart behind and accept gratefully the sorrow of what once was.......
One must, after all, train onesself to let go of everything one fears to lose, cuz one day, you will lose it.......Everything in life is temporary, except our almighty God that is!!! Fear not though child, for fear is a tool of the enemy...And God promised me that I have nothing to fear in this life (including my own pain!!!) And I trust God above all else....I pray God's will be done, and whatever service I may be of to fulfill God's will then so be it; For even in death, I always go to light places, my path always leading me back home where I know I truly belong..............