

Into the flames rising out of a setting sun,
I draw in a deep breath before I run...The crackling fire devoured the old abandoned mansion, casting eerie shadows that danced on the crumbling walls. I had only ventured here out of sheer curiosity, but as the flames licked at the structure, I felt a sense of foreboding creeping over me.

Suddenly, a bloodcurdling scream pierced the air, freezing me in my tracks. I couldn't discern if it was real or a figment of my imagination. As I turned to flee, the ground beneath my feet seemed to shift, and I stumbled into a hidden underground passage. The darkness enveloped me, and the air grew thick with the scent of decay.

I fumbled for my phone, hoping for a sliver of light, but it was dead. Panic set in as I realized I was trapped in this claustrophobic space. Desperate, I pressed forward, feeling my way through the oppressive blackness. The passage seemed to go on endlessly, and just as I began to lose hope, I stumbled upon an ancient chamber.

In the dim light filtering through a crack in the ceiling, I saw something that made my blood run cold. A circle of old, decaying dolls surrounded a small, rusted crib, their glassy eyes seemingly following my every move. Shivers ran down my spine as I noticed the dolls' cracked and disfigured faces, each one more grotesque than the last.

Before I could comprehend the horror before me, a bone-chilling whisper echoed through the chamber, "You shouldn't have come here." I whirled around to find a figure cloaked in darkness standing in the corner, its eyes glowing with an otherworldly light. I tried to flee, but my legs refused to move.

As the figure advanced, the dolls began to stir, their lifeless limbs twitching as if coming to life. In a frenzy, I searched for an escape, but the chamber seemed to shrink around me. Just when I thought all hope was lost, the flames from above burst through the floor, illuminating the chamber in a hellish glow.

In that moment of chaos, the figure and the dolls vanished, leaving me alone in the crumbling chamber. I scrambled through the newfound opening, emerging into the cool night air as the mansion collapsed in on itself, the flames consuming all traces of the nightmare within.

As I stumbled away from the wreckage, I couldn't shake the feeling that the horrors I had witnessed were not confined to the crumbling mansion, but would follow me wherever I went, lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike when I least expected it.
© c.wright