

EPOPL (Part-4)
She took my kids away from me forever! For me that time,keeping my mom happy was more important and one or the other day I'll leave this planet so its better my kids are in safe hands for their bright future. So till the end she thought I don't know that she had cancer and nor she got to know that I'm always with her suffering the same pain!"
So after hearing all this Maloy blamed himself that where was he when his bestfriend needed him. Saving everyone's life he forgot to save his friend's life.Maloy decided to keep him always happy.They both enjoyed every moment of the life as they used to live in their childhood. Again it appeared everything was going perfect..
Suddenly one evening Peter started coughing badly that Maloy took him to the hospital. Peter's condition was getting worst. Peter holded Maloy's hand and whispered about his kids. Maloy thought he want to see his kids. He didn't even reached to his wife's house, a phone call came that Dr.Maloy please come back to the hospital patient is calling you very badly. Maloy went to the hospital,at that time a lady comes and cries to Maloy to save his child who had met an accident. Hurrily Maloy called few of the expert doctors and told them to look after the patient..
Running in the corridors, Maloy reached Peter's room, and....