

Dystopianople: Utopia- Chapter 2
I felt the warm sun on my back, my face tucked into my arms as I layed on the ground like I had fallen. I sat up, my legs aching. The people in the tunnel stood around me, “Are you okay?”
I brushed dirt off my face, “I just got shoved down a giant hole, of course I’m…” My tongue was held hostage as I looked around, all around us was a giant almost cave that looked like it spreaded for hundreds of miles in every direction.
I looked up, birds and butterflies flew around and miles of miles above us was almost the roof of a cave that was filled with domes of mirrors. What was this place?
A laugh sounded in front of me, “Welcome to The UnderWorld! That’s what the locals call it atleast.” It was Humphery, he held Todd in his arms, his once white fur mud stained.
I narrowed my eyes, “Why is it called The UnderWorld? Where are we?” The small group started down the forested trail, fields of odd colored grasses were seen beyond. As I followed my jaw dropped in awe.
I stared down a trail, fields of tall grass to the sides, the grass was tipped with blue and purple colors. It was so unusual it had to be painted! And giant creatures with long legs grazed on them, similar to the grass, bright colors were dotted on their thick skin.
Humphrey handed Todd to me and I set the cat on my mud splashed backpack, he rested his paws on my shoulder. I followed the group down the trail.
In the distance I saw a town, it was large and the buildings were combined, making circles, and in the middle of the many types of buildings, was a large mansion-like court made of stone. I looked to Humphery for some sort of answer I was searching for. The only response I got was a nod, signaling me to continue forward.
After many minutes passed we entered the town’s gate, I followed Humphery and the group up towards a mechanical lift. I assumed it led up to the middle where the large stone structure was.
I watched Humphery slide a small golden coin into a slot and the lift stopped a carrier in front of us which we quickly entered before the metal doors slid shut. The carrier rocked steadily as it lifted and stopped every few minutes as a new passenger entered or exited.
After not too long we made it to the top and we exited and walked toward the large collared glass doors. Humphery stopped walking and turned around to face me, “We will inform the authorities, there is an Inn down the block. Here.”
He tossed a small cloth sack filled with heavy coins to me, “That should also get you a hot meal, go rest.” He turned and led the others through the doors, muttering something I couldn’t quite hear.
I found myself alone in the streets, Todd leaped down from my bag and sniffed around a plant and dug a hole to make dirt. I waited until he was done to start down the street where he followed close, stretching his paws before catching up.
After a not long search, I found the Inn Humphery had mentioned and I checked into a room, keeping Todd close against my side. I checked in and once I reached my room I sat on the bed and released a sigh.
Todd sniffed around the room while my heart started to beat quickly, all the adrenaline had made me not fully comprehend what was going on. I took a quick shower before settling down.
I ran my fingers through my short blond hair, frustrated, I could not understand what those beasts were. I could barely think of what they looked like, all I know is that they were large and dark, with eyes full of hate.
Todd's meow made me snap back into focus, I set out some food for him, “Hungry, huh? Well, Whatever this place is… we should be safe.”
I sat on my bed and dug into my backpack until my hand slid over a familiar roll of paper that I pulled out, I laid the map across my bed and studied it.
The map was one of Utopianople, surrounded by large mountains, there was only one way in and out. Around the large map, half of the space was taken up by large redwood trees. Some in my hometown say that some of the trees are so tall they can be a mile high. On the right side of the map were open hills with jagged spikes and small but jutting mountains called the Highlands.
I heard a knock at my door and I quickly rushed the map into my bag in panic, Todd hid under the old bed.
I opened the door, Humphrey stood staring down at me, his eyes dulled in worry. I felt too intimidated by his manner to ask him about it, instead I gave a weak smile, “Hello!” Humphrey’s eyes narrowed, “We need to talk.”=
We sat in silence at a restaurant down the street, the food there was bland and tough but my stomach craved it.
I looked up from my chewing, the older man’s squinted eyes watching out the musty window, “So what did you want to tell me?” My voice lightly quivered, I didn’t know what to expect.