

mocha baby angel smith
one day there was this kitten outside and her name was mocha, okay okay. she is a black cat but When she lays in the sun she turns brown.. that's how she got the name mocha baby angle smith, mocha as a kitten she was so sweet that she would let every kid in the neighbor to play with her she liked to play with them so much, that she tried to follow every kid home, some kids were mean to her but all she wants to do is play with them to bringgg a smile to there faces.
one day when the kids where looking to play with her she was nowhere to be seen. there was a lot of rumors going around town from kid to kid that she passed on, even the mean kids felt bad about mocha passing on . and filling bad about her death so all of the kids that day went door to door in there town collecting money for the old car., and for the cats family, they would say please donate a dollar or 2 so that mocha baby angle smith can rest in peace. so everyone young and old sweet and mean kid gave money for. the cats poor soul..
© Ronnie lee gill Jr.