

"The Little Redhead" - Chapter Twenty-Six ("First Wedding") - by Diana Goldovniuk
Several hours passed and the guests arrived at the redhead's house and sat around the table prepared with all the good things that the redhead woman's mother had prepared.
The first to say her words was the redhead's grandmother from her mother's side: "I am very happy that my granddaughter is finally getting married and will be happy and have her own family."
The redhead and her grandmother had a very special relationship, they loved each other very much and always when they talked, the redhead felt great comfort.
After the grandmother's first words, the mother of the redhead smiled a fake smile that hid what she really felt and said: "Let's celebrate in honor of my daughter who is getting married and finally becoming a woman."
Everyone raised their glasses of wine and said "Lehaim".
There was great joy. Everyone ate the delicious foods, the cakes, the pastries, the vegetables and were happy.
Meanwhile, the redhead sat in her room with the dress in front of the mirror and felt excitement and mixed emotions because on the one hand it was something she had wanted for many years and didn't believe...