

HEARTLESS LOVE [ chapter - 1]
Angela a sweet,responsible and beautiful girl. She is 18 years old and this is her last year in college its 7pm and angela just reach her home. She headed inside and wish her mom when she noticed some other people also sitting there. There was a women and a man.

women - angela do you remember me?
Angela - umm am sorry but i don't know u.
Angela's mom - angela she is miss.olivia.
Angela - ohh am so sorry aunty i fogot u how are u.

angela hug olivia.

miss.olivia - how's your study going.
angela - good.

than Angela's mom ask miss.olivia about someone.

Angela's mom - olivia where is V?
miss.olivia- ohh yea! he had some work he will came in sometime.
Angela's mom- angela you go and get fresh and came downstairs for dinner.

angela goes in her room and get fresh and than came downstairs. Everyone was sitting on dining chairs. Angela also sit on chair but suddenly someone enter the house he was tall,handsome and miss.olivia said.

miss.olivia - where were you V ?
V - i had some work.
Angela's mom- its ok well, V do you remember me?
V - am sorry but i don't think so i know you.
miss.olivia - V she is miss. Rachel you remember.
V - oh ok.
miss.olivia- you should say hi V.
miss.rachel- no its fine.
miss.olivia - Actually his nature is this he is a little less Talkative.
miss.rachel - that's fine. V came and had dinner with us.
V - let me just wash my hands.

and v left he came after washing his hands and eat without saying anything when Angela's dad said something.

Angela's dad - well, am glad that you are only 20 and handling the business that's amazing.
V - thanks you sir.
miss.olivia - well, rachel is there any hotel close here.
miss.rachel - why are you asking it?
miss.olivia- ohh Actually we just came here from U.S.A and right now our house is Renovating so we need to stay in hotel.
miss.rachel - are you searios olivia do you think i will let you stay there you are not going anywhere you are gonna live with us.
miss.olivia- but-
angela - momma is right why you need to go somewhere else.
miss.olivia- ok fine.

and everyone finish there food after that everyone goes in there room and miss.rachel show V his room.

V - thank you aunt.
miss.rachel - no problem if you need anythink than you can call me.
V - oh ok good night.
miss.rachel- good night.

and miss.rachel left and everyone sleep in there room. (information about story) miss.rachel and miss.olivia know eachother very well they were bestfriends but miss.olivia have to go u.s.a when v was 5 and angela 3 now after after 15 years miss.olivia has come back to fox ( country) so miss.rachel offer her to live with them till her house is renovating. ( information about V) he is a cold type person who prefer to be alone he is responsible and he start working at the age of 17 in his father's company and he don't have any girlfriend cause he is not intersting but every girl who saw him fall for him cause he is so smart but one thing about v is that he is hiding one secret from everyone from past many years.
© Galaxy darling