

Operation theatre...
It was 1st of july. Everyone in her family was very happy that she had completed her studies with top position in PHD in physics.
She was born in a very rich family where money is spent as we use water. Everyone got everything when he ask for the first time. She was very egoful in her life. Her ego was just before 1st of july. She never talked politely to her younger relatives and to everyone from which she was elder. She never talked respectfully and calmly to her elders. When she got Degree, she got more ego. Ego of best qualification , career, beauty and everything she had. She never got ill even for a day. On 1st of july , when she was coming from a get together party from her friends , she was alone in the car. Suddenly, her car got hit with a truck. People took her away by breaking steering wheel. Her leg's bone was completely broken and lungs got damaged too. No one could say that the car driver may be alive. She was taken to hospital by ambulance. Her 90% blood had wasted. People informed her parents and they reached the hospital when she was in the operation theatre. She was unconscious but could hear what the doctors were saying. She heared,"Its impossible that she may alive. We cannot do anything except our effort. Everything is in Almighty's hand" At that time, she felt the thing between life and death and realized importance of life.
Well, she was shifted to ICU after operate. She had been in coma state for 2 months.When she got consciousness, she saw her family with her. Her younger sister whom she always hate, was there sitting with her holding her hand. She took 6 months to recover. In these 6 months, she felt herself like a completely alive deadbody. She realized the importance of a complete body and health,Also she realized that she was very rude and she did very very bad with all. She appologized to all and was completely changed.
"Everything in this world is temporary. The thing that lasts is time you gave to your relations,love and care...
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