

Secret Obsession
The letter carried brief instructions: 'Meet me at the corner of the street', it read. But who was it from?

Letters written beneath candlelight where sentences were arranged in a specific way. Like a spy novel, the preoccupation of secrecy, with a suitable evacuation plan. Words purposely disguise with the likelihood, of an immediate trick providing an escape route. He was a newbie, what should he do. With a letter revealing secrets hidden from the light of day. Words were chosen with value, rechecked every hour, before a single letter was displayed. The writer wore a dark blue suit, white shirt striped tie. Black shoes and a black trench coat. The writer was trained to protect the universe, before a single letter was released. With invisible ink used to hide a specific link. The writer was preparing for action whenever it presented a fighting chance.To protect the written letter from the prying eyes of an inquisitive female spy. The writer entered a local bar, very few patrons were inside. However, there was a beautiful woman who smiled when the writer walked by her chair. With emotional zest of enthusiasm, the writer turned around, looking her way, trying not to stare. Both smiled while the writer was walking towards her. He sat on the stool, they were face to face. The writer ordered a bottle of champagne, with two glasses. The writer ask the bartender to prepare his order a certain way. With an olive and vermouth chilled, never stirred. The writer was an average Joe, pretending to be a spy. His intentions were disguised to capture the beautiful woman smile. Secret obsession.
© Daniel Mason