

Joke of the month
1.An English teacher came to his class
and said"Today, my dear I ask a gra
mmar to you.how many genders are
there in English Grammar".
A student suddenly stand up and sai
d"sir there are two genders in Englis
h.they are male and female".
2. A boy asked his father, "Dad, Every
body says importance of mother ton
gue.Dad, what is a mother tongue? "
then the father replied, "my son.,
mother tongue is nothing but the
tongue of your mother. "
then, the boy said, "oh! that's it ".
3. Once there were a man with his ill
terate wife.one day, the man said to
his "honey, you are so beautiful like
a flower. love you too, baby. "
His wife didn't understand what
his husband said. so she said, "love
you three, my deer ".

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