

Hello! I’m the host of the system. As you can tell, my name is Trina. An alter made this blog for us and that’s really nice and creative of her.
My current job as host, is to manage daily life and I have created the system journal. We have gone through so so many attempts at system communication. Let me tell you it has not been an easy road.
I have read a few of the posts that are going up soon. They will already be posted by the time mine is.
I think this is a positive change for our system.
We started with a small journal in 2018. Became paranoid because of the body’s parents.
We transferred to Evernote. That worked for a month or so. Kinda fell out of it. Stopped for a time.
Ended up on Google Docs. That was helped set up by a friend. That lasted all of two days.
Since 2019 we tried index cards, screenshots of conversations on apps, fake chat apps, and more.
We even attempted Notion and Taskade. All in one type applications. They worked but become highly complicated and frustrating for alters. And not all too inclusive for illiterate, bad sighted, and general littles.
wish we would’ve figured out pluralkit back in early 2019, that would’ve been so useful. We attempted but gave up after so long.
Now we use pluralkit and OneNote. Pluralkit is a bot on Discord. I have to give my ex credit for introducing me to discord and my current partner for helping build our system on pluralkit.
We use onenote for everything else now. It has passcode locks on sections which makes perfect private journals for each alter. Also, its good to track information and daily tasks.
Onto the inclusivity of OneNote, it has a feature to record audio for littles and others who can’t write. Also, a feature to read the text to you. Which I hope our alters will enjoy. Even if its just out of pure laziness.
We as a system struggle with alexithymia. the inability to recognize or describe one’s own emotions.
With that struggle, most times writing out thoughts and feelings can become extremely frustrating. Having the option to just record ourselves is so nice.
Another frustrating part before we found our current setup. It was that nothing was organized. Everything was everywhere. We had notes on our phone, reminders, notebooks with random info, text documents, etc. It became overwhelming and infuriating to all of us.
I am so grateful for the set up we have found and hope it works for years to come. I hope this helps any readers.
Thank you for listening!
-Trina (The Masquerade System)
P.S. to those polyfrag systems like us, OneNote has no limit on number of sections and each password can be different.
© trina