

Haunted Hotel Chapter 3
The Next Day, We woke up with a fresh mind and were ready to shift to a new hotel.
We came to a hotel name GreenRoof Hotel. The Hotel was quite luxury with maximum of people in there. I was very happy living there. John wanted to live there because he told me that yhe previous hotel was adventures. But I didn't say anything to him because I was happy in this hotel. We took are luggage and went to our room. Our room was in the top floor. The rooms were empty in the top floor. It was like only our family is living in the top floor

We reached our room and kept the luggage and crashed to the bed because our last 2 days were very dangerous.Our room number was 421. It was time for our Lunch. So we ate our lunch and decided to go somewhere out. My Dad decided to do to a museum. So we agreed. We reached the museum. And I saw the same lady standing besides a Picture frame. I told my Dad about this but he didn't listen to me because he was enjoying there very much. Sara told me to forget everything and take a round in the museum. I agreed. While I was talking a round, That lady came to me. She told me 'Where is Sara'. I didn't told her anything and I just ran off.

She was following me with a Knife. I was very tired running so I just slow down and she came near and near and she told me again 'Where is Sara'. I told her 'I don't know anything she just told me to take a round'. Then Sara came to me and said 'What happend?'. Then that lady was coming near Sara with a knife'. I said 'Dont go near to Sara!'. But till the time she killed my sister Sara. I screamed very badly and my parents came and told me 'What happend?'. I told them 'That lady killed Sara!' Crying. My Dad took Sara to Hospital but the Doctor said that she is no more.


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Chapter 4 will come soon!