

I thought it was over, I thought I could finally live freely. I was wrong.
The last thing I remember is running. It was cold, and dark, not even the stars to provide a little light.
"Troop A, approach from south east!"
I could hear the growls of the canines and I knew they'd catch me soon. I still wanted to live, I didn't want to die.
"Reed, stay where you are. You're surrounded, just surrender."
"I won't. I won't go back!"
The man signaled the others, one of them pointed their gun at me.
Whoosh! zap!
Before I could comprehend what was going on, my limbs went limp. I felt like as if I was being cooked alive. They threw a net over me. I saw them approaching me as I fought to stay concious.
© S.Limbu