

Let go
I sit beside her remove my books and focus on the professor.
       Soon I feel her hand on my thigh and I already feel my dick stirring to her touch.
      I just sit there having all this happen to me. She moves her hand a little too close to my dick and i push her hand away.
Someone will watch us i warn her. You weren't bothering about anything yesterday when you were fucking me in the open she pointed out and I immediately realized the gravity pf the situation.
    I still push her hand away she feel dejected. She removes her hand hesitantly and furious to what just happened. She slams her book on the table and tries to study. I immediately feel sorry, offending her was not what I was going to do.
     She leans back and I lean back to only to realize that she was not wearing bra underneath her shirt. I couldn't help but notice her nipples peaking through the fabric and I immediately want to suck on them. I keep my backpack on my lap and slowly advance my hand on her boob. I touch it and she sucks in a breath. I knew she loved it. I slowly unbutton her top most button and insert my two fingers into her shirt twirling the nipple within them. I pinched the nipple and she clutches her book. Nails digging into it as she was feeling pleasure. I remove my hand from there and slowly lower my hand to her skirt moving it upwards and slowly presseing my hand on her bean. She gasped and silently moaned whilst biting her lip trying to control her moans. It was so hot to watch that my manhood is evidently hard in the pants. She noticed that and put her pencil into her mouth sucking on it slowly. I just more turned on she she kept sucking on it. I wished it was my dick that she was sucking on. She then put the pencil's blunt side into her vagina and my dick starts throbbing. I was so hot and sexy. I touch the pencil and slowly start to move it in her imagining it was my dick. I just want to fucking thrust into her so hard.
    She gestures me to stop and removes the pencil. I suddenly grab the pencil and put it in my mouth sucking on her juices on it. She looked at me with so much lust and before we realized the lecture had ended we packed our bags
© Stellar's Fantasy