

_Fighting my 12am demons_

The ticking of the clock. Heavy deep breaths that escaped my mouth. Sweaty palms. Non stop beating of my heart. It was 12am. I ran my fingers into my hair before letting out a sigh of frustration. The nightmares. They seem to be a continuous episode as they clung to me screaming "I'll never let you go".

I felt my eyes get itchy due to lack of sleep and I grabbed the mirror beside me. Peering into it, I noticed a different person staring at me. He had a wide creepy smile on his face.

Fear creeped into my heart causing me to drop the mirror. I glared at the shattered pieces of glass on the floor and that reminded me of my heart.

I held my head in pain, as the voices continued. Voices I never wanted to hear but I had to hear them.

" you think he didnt leave cause you were too miserable?"
"You'd be better off dead you know"
"How could you stand there and watch your parents burn to death?"

The tears came running down as I let out a deep scream. No one could hear my voice nor my weak cries.

I grabbed my pills and poured lots of them in my mouth before sending them down my stomach with a glass of water.

Few minutes later, I was asleep. I fell into the hands of another demon.


I found myself in a dark hallway. The road seemed endless as I walked further, causing a sudden chill to run down my spine. I turned around to see if there was another person. Finding no one, i paused and stared into the darkness for some minutes. Suddenly, two eyes opened up in the darkness, two dark and twisted eyes stared at me from it and my heart began to pound. My heart jumped out of my chest as I came face to face with another burning monster.

"Ella! Save me!"

I tripped and fell, screaming as loud as I could. The hallway seemed to light up as fire consumed everything and felt the smoke begin to choke me.

My eyes shot open. I felt my body go stiff as I couldnt move. Tears found their way down my cheeks. I launch my body forward and started to gasp for air.

Everything became clear. There was no hallway nor was there any fire. The only fire that was present was the burning candle on my reading desk.

I looked at the clock. It was just 2am.

© reenie