

the dreams I Dream
When your dreams vividly involve Mountain Lions trying to break into your families home while they sleep.. And all during the while your dogs are trying to fend them off, but unsuccessfully... Watching in sheer horror as they are struggling to defend your family and in doing so they were viciously mangled.... Your blood is boiling, you can hear yourself screaming, you just want to get to your dogs to prevent any further massacre, but...You CANT even step in to prevent this because ever so abruptly like a flip of a switch your subconscious warps you across the country somewhere in the middle of a desert....You become befuddled due to emotions and an eerily transient yet abhorrent vibe overtaking you.. as if you yourself was Johnny Depp in FEARandLOATHING.. Ominously standing before you lies nothing but cactus, sand and a mansion(to which you have no key).. Dusk is rolling in swiftly, sweeping over the vast plain, wind begins howling, and you've no where to go as this shadow swallows you..

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