

A Father's Life
When us Father's and Dads have baby girls they are our princesses and our sons are our princes.

When they grow up, we think on what we want best for them.

A daughter brings her boyfriend over to meet dad, the dad asks the boy a question "Are you a man or a Boy ?" the boy replies "A man", the dad/father says "A boy, I say this because a MAN would of replied A Man Sir. Which you did not." the boy says "Sorry sir, won't happen again".

The father/dad asks the boy, "When you get out of the shower, what do you dry off first ?" The boy replies "My feet first, then the rest of my body and my head last, why do you ask ?"

The father/dad replies, "You have two options. Option A, you breakup with my daughter now and never speak to her again or Option B, I bury you 100 ft underground right now"

The boy says "Sir?" The father/dad replies "choose", The boy replies "Did I say something wrong?"

The father/dad replies "A man is clean, he knows how to take care of his body, take care of his family and knows what he wants in life, you clean your feet, then the rest of your body followed by your head. Now if you said that you cleaned your body, your sector (Private area) and then your head and feet last. This conversation would be different. But instead you dried off the dirtiest part of your body"

The boy replies "How is the feet the dirtiest, I thought the ass was?" The father/dad replies "Technically it is, but think about it. You clean your feet and then step onto a floor/mat which is dirty. Your junk needs to be cleaned to not get my daughter any problems and don't look at me like that, you know what I'm talking about".

The boy says "Sir, your daughter means everything to me, please let me fix this", The father/dad replies "Pick your choice and if you go to the police, and I'm in jail or prison for threatening a minor, keep this in mind. She has Uncle's, two Grandfather's and Godfather's that will be watching over her so if you plan on sneaking your way back into her life your life will be over before you know what's going on. So your call, find another girl and fix your mistake that way or get buried. You have 10s to chose before I chose for you" (While holding a Colt 1911). "Under the grace of God, the choice will be made now."

As the father/dad calls his daughter, the boy says what he needed to say, his daughter hates him, but forgives him later as her mother and father explains why the decision was made.


As for sons, Sons are easy you explain three things to them.


1. Happy wife, Happy Life (Although it is good to work out problems, sometimes you have to just let her win)

2. Never Cheat, Lie or Play Games (Doing so will end your relationship and me and the family of father's beating you senseless)

3. MOST important rule of all, Never strike your girl (Doing this and me finding out about it, is me taking you out of this world, I raised you better than that and if I'm not here, don't think I don't have others to take care of my work, I will always be there for you one way or another)


My grandfather was a good man and be helped where he could and although he is no longer in my life, his inspiration has helped me grow as a man and I spend my life living up to my mom's and his expectations as a man.

**Miss you & Love you Papa**

To all the father's and dad's out there. If you agree with this story, Like, Comment and Share with other Father's/Dad's you know...

Thank You all
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