

The Man Was A Kidnapper - Chapter 1
I was joining a camping that was organize by my Economy Teacher Mr.Nazri. But, not everyone can join it. Just a student that was choise by Mr.Nazri can join the campaign and I am the one that was selected as my teacher choice.
Suddenly, in one night were there... there's a lot of creepy things happen to us. The camping be more creepier after we heard a news about a lot of student has gone got kidnapped by someone that still in searching.
Back to my story. The time when were camping, I heard a lot of creepy sound. A sound that was someone calling my name. Our camp also disturbed by a shadow that was walking all over our camp.
Next day, im telling my teacher but he said that it was my imagination. My friend told him the same thing but he still not trust it.
Next day, the thing was happen again. I'm for now was not scared anymore and with my brave, I go out the camp and trying to looking for a thing that was disturbing us in our two days camping. What I saw was nothing. Nothing I found but just a couple of bird that still awake and flying away.