

Loyalty episode 9
Now Jankong was an old man but ruthless. He was anxious about the prince. Because his army has failed to find a prince. Now Jankong decided to make his son the crown prince. Because he doesn't know what will be next. so his prime minister announced a redeem "Elder son of Jankong, siu will be the crown prince".Siu thanked his father for choosing him. There was whispering in the palace. Jankong said to his son "Now I am old I don't know how many years can I live more so now it will be you who will rule over the country". Siu Father doesn't worry I will not disappoint you. jankong well done. Now the strategy was ready and the prince has to attack. First, he sent a letter to jankong In this letter he said" Leave the palace, and accept your defeat otherwise I will not leave you".Jankong tore the letter into pieces. Prince is still alive. Ordered army general to ready for a fight. siu Jankong said Yes father siu now it's your duty to handle this situation. Siu okay father I will not dissatisfy you. Now jankong worries increase because he knew the very well prince will take revenge on his parents and family. Prince was moving toward the palace. Now the big war was going to start.
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