

I am the last unicorn. That tingle at the back of your neck. I am an ancient soul. A Titan. I am the last vestige of magic left in this world. So much has been lost. So much destroyed by ignorance, jealousy, contemp. That old magic. Mystic earth and sacred sky. The movement out of the corner of an eye. There once second gone the next. Yes sacrifices have been made but at what cost. We dwell in a world of things. These things. We’ve lost our ability to wonder, imagine, the magic of pure creation. Not for a gain for our pockets but for the sheer joy of real magic and the birth of something amazing. We no longer paint on cave walls, invoke the ancient spirits, look to the stars for wisdom. With all this power we seem to relentlessly hunger for was it worth the lost of our personal magic. Keep dreaming for dreams may be all we have left to keep magic alive.